Monday, December 17, 2012

The Real Truth (Relationships Part 2)

THE TRUTH IS, the truth is sometimes more powerful in a relationship than anything else. The truth can be broken down into many different things first is the simple fact that you don’t tell one another lies and then there is the truth that you actually open up to one another. Being truthful with one another is an important and powerful part of a relationship. It creates vulnerability and actually allows both people to connect on a deeper and more intimate level.  When you want a relationship to be real, there must be a realm of truth that is created. Though you may think you know someone because you can tell random strangers some information about them doesn't mean you really know some one. Just knowing likes and dislikes doesn't mean you truly know a person it just means you can read their facebook page and hate to break it to you but facebook friends aren't always the truest of relationships.  What makes a relationship actually a relationship is when both parties involved are able to be open and honest about their life, their desires, and their struggles.  Being open about those things can honestly make a relationship so much stronger, it may seem unreal. It’s hard to imagine that just the opening up of life can create such a stronger bond between two people but it truly does. The important thing is when you hear the other person’s honesty you have to realize what your role is in knowing the truth. Whether or not hearing it makes you desire to pray for them, end the relationship, guide them through the hard times or even be willing to be there by their side following them and being there when they need a shoulder to cry on or a hand to squeeze. Hearing the truth does not just give you another topic to talk about, but it allows both individuals involved in the relationship to be real. It's about knowing each other's lives and not telling lies. 

FOR REAL though, life is not about just the good days, but the good and bad days. Real relationships aren't just about take, but there is give and take.  There are different types of relationships in life however for the ones that matter the most to us I realized that there are really two main categories. There are one sided relationships and then there are two sided relationships.  If you want the relationship to be a real relationship that can actually grow then a two sided relationship is necessary. Without both parties giving the same amount into the friendship or even romantic relationship then the relationship can’t truly be real. Real relationships require both parties to be involved. There has to be give and take. You can’t just expect to be given everything you want in the relationship be it gifts, advice or attention and not do anything in return. And I mainly say this realizing that I have been on both sides of relationships that are one sided. Many a times, I have had people come into my life claiming to be friends or even great friends and then getting walked all over. It’s one thing to ask a friend for advice or help but it is another thing to never listen to them when they need the same thing. At the same aspect we all know those types of people that have one main conversational topic, themselves. And I am not going to point any fingers and say “SHE IS THE ONE THAT…” or even start going on about “HE JUST NEVER SHUTS UP..” no, not at all! In fact I think most people tend to be one sided in some of their relationships.  And I am not saying that people should never talk about themselves, I am just saying when you recognize that you are talking too much about yourself, it might be a good sign to ask about the other person.  To be real in a relationship you have to be willing to be two sided. No matter how much you like the sound of your own voice, which I must admit, I love how my voice sounds to me, you need to let the other side talk.  For a real relationship you have it’s important to realize it has to be two sided. Relationships aren't therapist and patients.  I think that far too much of the time we as people forget that relationships involve two living, breathing, REAL people.  If you seek a real relationship, we have to remember that we are dealing with real people.  

Friday, December 14, 2012

(My thoughts on relationships) - The Introduction

People that have actually read a lot of these blogs have realized that I am not the biggest expert on a lot of things, and one of that happens to be relationships. But not just relationships dealing with boys but relationships dealing with friends and family as well. A few weeks ago while flying back to Texas from Thanksgiving in Arizona, I started to write. Now I am not going to copy and paste everything I wrote then because I believe some things don't have to be written. Some things can just be examined throughout watching others live. Ultimately this post is written just for you all to know, what is probably going to become of this blog. And no, the title of the blog is not going to change. I feel that the name " The Beauty of It All" still has a lot to do with what I may end up posting. That and I really like the blog name! Without further to do, here is my new blog(s). And as it was when I first started writing these things, I am not expecting anyone to read it rather I am just wanting my words on a page and if people happen to read it, awesome. :)

I LOVE YOU three little words that hold so much power and at times I’m afraid to use and then at other times I’m throwing the phrase around like an old Frisbee to a dog. I say it to people who mean little to me but I am afraid to use the phrase when it comes to people who mean so much to me. 

MY MISSION is to write about love, to learn about love and relationships. To be the best friend, daughter, sister, and girlfriend I can be. I know that it may be a bit foolish to start this quest but I think it’s needed. I don’t think this will ever be in the hands of millions but I do think that just writing this will hopefully be able to help me transform myself and hopefully help me be and if ever the day comes others to be the best they can be. My mission in this writing quest is in a sense to discover how relationships should be. Especially since relationships are not my strong suit. 

MY CREDIBILITY. If you have to know the truth, I have no credibility not in the slightest sense. If you’d like to imagine that I am a family studies major with a minor in psychology feel free to do so! After all you are free to imagine whatever your little heart desires! You may like to know though that none of that would be true. Nope! The only credibility I have in writing this is I am a human from a family and I just happen to be In various types of relationships. So if you have gotten this far into reading this and would like to print all of this off and make it a book and throw it on the ground because I am no Dr. Phil, please feel free! Actually I would encourage you to do that if you are truly that upset that I am no Dr. Phil. However little credibility I actually have, I guarantee this may still hold a little more worth than that of an issue of a National Enquirer. I’ll actually throw in some truth. And for that, you are most welcome. 

So feel free to join me on this quest! Will anything actually be of any use to anyone? I have no earthly idea! All I know is I really like the thought of doing this even though I really don't have any credibility and what I say probably doesn't matter to you. But the truth is, I like writing out thoughts, and this is a good easy way to do it. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Day's Soundtrack

So in case you didn't know, I have a fantastic boyfriend. I am truly blessed that he is in my life, because he is one of the greatest men I have the privilege of knowing. Now that I gave you that sweet and short introduction to the protagonist to the story I shall move on.  :)

Last night right before falling asleep I get this message saying that he was going to send me a link for me to open in the morning and that I had to open it in the morning. Not going to lie, I was a bit afraid, he finds some pretty ridiculous videos sometimes and I was anxious at what would await me at 8:30 am. So as soon as I awoke this morning I went to the link and pressed play, to find a fantastic way to start the day. 

Yeah, I would say I was super ecstatic this morning having my phone seranade me as I was getting around. But the excitement didn't stop there. No, there were also links for noon and 3pm. 

As soon as my 11am class was finished I was quick to click the link and click the play button to hear a fantastic song that truly speaks to me, sadly.

Now I did admit I was really getting anxious! And honestly might have had a countdown to 3 o'clock. However around 3 I was in a car on my way to Abilene with some fantastic people and much to my demise, I lost all service of every type with the clock struck 3pm. So on and off again, youtube would work, and by 3:05 the song appeared on the screen! Sadly enough though, the video itself didn't load until 3:16. My countdown didn't work 100% in the end apparently. :) However at 3:16 I got to hear a fantastic song that's music video happens to introduce my second favorite vehicle.

Even though it may have took me a little longer to hear this song, it definitely put a smile on my face. 

I have said it before and I will more than likely continue to say it, there is just something powerful about music. It makes a person who they are and it can change a person to be stronger, more empathetic, what have you. And sometimees music can just wake up that part of you that has been asleep for far too long. Music is powerful, and music is wonderful. And I was lucky enough to have a personalized soundtrack for my day. 

Enjoy the music of life. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Public Diary

So I am more than certain that the only person that reads this blog any more is me and I am perfectly fine with that. It has almost become like my own public diary, I write what's on my mind or heart and put it on display for all to see and the only eyes that view it are mine. One of the things that does really crack me up though are the two blog entries previous to this one. Both are about love, and they both fully reflect who I am. 
The truth of the matter is, I think I am falling, rather I know I am falling and I don't want to get back up. I really do like this kid, and I really do. And I know that it's simple to say that I like this boy because we technically are still in the beginning of the relationship but the truth of the matter is, if I had to redo this summer, and this semester I wouldn't. 
On August 4th, 2012 I ended something marvelous and got to begin something fantastic. Thankful for BCBA, thankful even for the rules about Summer Staffers not being able to date, but more importantly thankful that I got to be introduced to one of the most incredible men I have ever met.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The List

So, I know that it has been forever since I have last post on here, but I don't mind one bit. I just am a terrible blogger and I know it. However I did want to post something that makes me super ecstatic. I love life. Life is fantastic. Even though I have no clue how my life is going to turn out in the end I do know that it's beautiful and will continue to be because I am not in control but God is.

I also know that I may happen to be smitten a bit by a guy, but I don't mind that one bit. A while back in my head I wrote a checklist of what I want in a guy. Wow,  a woman having thoughts of what would make the perfect guy? NEVER.

Anyway, here's my list:
1. Single (unless I am dating them)
2. Love God
3. Love people
4. Good looking
5. A Happy singing voice
6. Funny
7. Loves God
8. Older than I am
9. Loves God
10. Good looking

Now, I understand that it isn't the most realistic thing to make a list of traits or qualities that you want in your future spouse or other relations but I just would like to point out, that I may be smitten with someone that only fails to meet one of these. Now I am not saying I am going to try to pull all the stops to form a relationship with the guy that meets all but 1 item, but I am happy with what is going on between us. And more importantly I am praying that God does what he wants. If he wants the relationship to grow to be more than friends, AWESOME! If he wants us to just remain friends, then AWESOME! Because God has a plan for me, and it is far better than anything I could even imagine.

So here's to The List, and here's to hoping that I'll be wise enough to know what the end result should be!  But as for me, I am also hoping for the best. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A little thing called love.

I haven't blogged in a long time, my bad, my bad. Seeing though as no one complained about the lack of blog posts, it's no biggie. :)  So I have been thinking a lot about love and all that lovelyness the past few, weeks (? sure I'll go with that).  And at the moment, I am looking so forward to the future. Though I have no earthly idea who I will marry or even date in the next (however many years it is until I am married)  I am excited for it. But more importantly I am more excited about becoming the perfect me I can be and need to be for whosoever I end up with.

Now I am a self-proclaimed romantic, and have been for some time now, so I can't wait until I know who Mr. Right, and better yet, we know each other as Mr. and Mrs. Right. However until then I am working on me. I don't want to be in a relationship that I don't need to be in until I am where I need to be as a human being, and more importantly as a child of God. And I am working on it, and I just hope and pray that he, whoever he may be is too.

I am single, and fine with it. If somehow I was in a relationship right now that would be awesome however it wouldn't be right. As I look towards Valentines Day I don't look towards single awareness day, I look to a Tuesday in the middle of the week. But more importantly getting to see my friends that have a significant other in their lives, have smiles spread across their faces and hear their hearts skip a beat.

Happy Valentines Day, to all those single and to those who are not, may it be a joy and beautiful day.