Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Adventures Of Speed Racer (the fish)

As I was driving home today, I thought of a fairly fun little prompt that I could right a short story on, and I am not going to lie, it might not be that great of a story but it for sure amused me when it came across the fore front of my mind. The story line would pretty much surround a road trip and involve 2 characters the whole time, the driver and her fish in the front seat.

Now, I know that it might not be an instant hit but when I was driving in some disgusting traffic by the airport I couldn't help but every now in then fear that something was going to kill poor little speed racer, which of course brought on the story idea. I know it might not go very far or at all. However I think that there needs to be a story about a girl and her fish. But most importantly the book could take a turn like the girl and her friend sharing the fish and something dramatic happening to the fish on one of their watches. (NOT SAYING THAT SPEED RACER IS IN BAD HANDS AT ALL!)

Just a thought though. 

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