Friday, April 1, 2011

And for now...

I am not going to lie, I every now and then it makes me sad to realize that some blogs I write don't get as much attention as I would wish. I know, that is a little concieted sounding but sometimes, I feel like I pour myself into specific blogs and am longing for a little feedback to know that people hear me. I guess it's just that, when I know that I am trying to let people know certain things,whether just for amusement or because I am truthfully being honest, I want attention to that. Sometimes though, I write certain things hoping that someone will read them because I can't say them out loud. Because making some thoughts audible just make them that much more real. I just can't find it in myself to flat out tell people, "Hey this is what is truly going through my mind right now" because I know for fact that people just don't care a whole lot. And the people that do care, I truly appreciate but sometimes they just seem so far away and distant or just oblivious of how I am actually doing righ now.

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