Sunday, April 10, 2011

Speed Racer the Fish

Today I got to go on an adventure with the one and only Whitney Turnacliff all the way to the majestic town of Abilene to figure out what in the world was wrong with her phone and we ended up making a detour at the Abilene Petsmart. Though we initially thought we were going in to find a Beta but that was before we saw the pitiful looking betas and the beautiful and speedy goldfish named Speed Racer!

I love little Speed Racer don't get me wrong, but as I was reading the bag holding our brand new fish, I got to thinking. When did we decide to start domesticating fish to where they aren't allowed to be released into the wild? When did we decide that it was cool to make it to where animals wouldn't survive if all of a sudden man kind were to vanish?

It's crazy to think that, and I truly don't know how that popped into my mind. But alas, alas it did.

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