Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So today I was at the school because, #1 I had nothing better to do, #2 I wanted to see people, And # 3 Because I could. And in the theatre productions class at the end of the day, we started talking about appearances, and my philosophy happened to pop up. The truth is everyone is beautiful if you look at them the right way. Part of my philosophy came to be at a summer camp called Wheatstone, when we talked about beauty and how all people are made in the image of God. Now it might just be me, but just merely knowing that I am made in the image of God makes look on myself and others as having such great worth, and a dash of beauty just because of the fact that they are made in God's image.

One of the biggest reasons why I think my philosophy came into being, is because there are so many people in this world, girls and guys alike, that have such low self esteem especially when it comes to their looks. So I guess this blog stems off of today's conversation, though it was brief. Everyone has something about them that makes them attractive, and I think that it is so important to tell people that very thing. There is an epidemic of people that when they look upon themselves they fail to realize the good, but point out the bad. Now some people, do it because they seek attention but then there are those that truly can't stand their physical appearance in the slightest.

Truly I don't know why I am going on this appearance tangent, but I think it is important to make sure that people know they are beautiful. At least on the outside anyway. :)   So with that I say.  " Dear Reader, whoever you may be, you are beautiful! Sincerely, Me"

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