Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Makes Me Smile

Every once in a while, I come across something that just forces me to smile against my will. I was playing the magical game of facebook, while writing a previous blog for today (needless to say it got erased) I came across a picture of a baby, but not any baby. It was a picture of a former teacher's child, who tried so hard and wanted a baby so bad, and was finally blessed with one last August. It makes me so excited every time I see an update about her child, because it's just a reminder on how amazing God is!

On the topic of how amazing God is, I am reminded of a lot of things that God puts in my life, like people, place and things. And just for a sweet, short and to the point blog. I am grateful and happy that I am at Howard Payne University, because there are just so many reasons to count. I love my friends and acquaintances on campus, I absolutely adore Brownwood even though there isn't a whole lot here it's beautiful, and as for things I am not going to lie: I love the little things about the campus that make it awesome, I like the classes, the buildings, the squirrels, the acorns, the fact that you can just lay down on Center street in front of Veda. I love it and it makes me smile.

So that is just a few things that make me smile, but truthfully, lately there has been plenty of smile on my face. And it's my "very most favorite" thing in the world.

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