Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Cure

So without a doubt one of my biggest problems that occurs day to day is overthinking. I know it doesn't help that I like to be creative and make stories up in my mind, but I also know it doesn't help to continue going down the "what if" road. Especially when the "what if's" in life tend to bring tears to my eyes and make me think I made the biggest mistake of my life, or that because of choices I have made I am a terrible person, or my least favorite, I'll never get a similair experience again.

However I think I've found a makeshift cure. A cure that I have been tinkering with for a while. Though the cure is only temporary it is still is a cure, you just have to continually take it to continually not think. And no, the cure doesn't involve dulling your senses and being intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics, it does involve people or just actions.


Yes, distractions are the best makeshift cure I have found to cure the terrible case of over thinking because you are to busy to even make the simplest thought. The good thing about this cure is that it can come in many shapes and sizes, whether it be visiting your alma mater (or for me Smith's classroom), participating in an activity where you have to think about something specific (Yay judging tournaments), or spending time with friends that don't make you think about what you don't need to be thinking about (YAY attempting to go watch a movie and then get lost and make completely new plans). Distractions are what allow me to be sane for a little while and for those that keep me distracted I say thanks. Because sometimes my thoughts get the best of me and it's not good at all.

Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes it's important to think and reflect on certain things that may lead to overthinking. Yet, sometimes, it's better to just not feel like worrying, or start feeling bad or whatever but just enjoy life. And sometimes it might require spending times outside yourself to do so.

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