Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just a list of what I feel like saying

Ok, so I decided to write a few things that I won't mind sharing. So this blog is a list blog... WHOOT

1) I start a lot of my blogs with the words so.  I know it's not really that new to people who often read my blogs however it's something I often have issues with. To me blogging is a way to just spill out what's on my mind or merely just something random.

2)I really don't like it when people start to talk about something that they have "observed" from my life and try and analyze it. Then don't finish what the analysis  was. Especially if I think you are going a specific direction that is so far from the truth that you don't even know. So if you decide to access my life, please tell me it all, and then let me explain myself so that you don't further confuse yourself into a billion lies. Thanks!

3) I brought my mom's guitar to campus this time. And I am really hoping that I become a bigger pro than I already am, meaning I hope that I can play more than just "Ode to Joy"!

4) I am secretly super proud of my brother right now. Not only can he drive legally now, BUT I heard a recording of his band and I didn't realize it was him because it was that awesome sounding! And I know he probably won't read this but it's okay because I am still proud of him. But he doesn't have to know.

5) My room is still freezing cold in the dorms. But I really really want it to snow on Tuesday! I know it makes little sense that I want inside and outside to be freezing BUT I love snow!

6) And finally I am really terrible at giving these things titles! And I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually copied a title.


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