Thursday, January 20, 2011


So I've come across to the realization here and then that I received a new title to my name last August, ADULT. And I am not going to lie it's a kind of terrifying title. Especially this new in the "ADULT" title, it just seems like I don't belong. Which makes me wonder, "Why do we like to title things into categories, and all that jazz?" 

I think a big reason as to why we give things titles is to make us feel better in a way. Like we have the title of
"Popular", but with that title comes the subtitle of "stuck up, full of self, rude".  Whatever the category or title is, we seem to deem it with something bad as well to make ourselves feel better. That is unless when we begin to categorize when we are in a period of self loathing, and then every category doesn't have any negative attribute but extra positive attributes. 

The downfall of these titles though is we begin to give titles and forget the true identity of people. We have all been told to not judge a book by its cover, yet with people we fail to remember that. The books story is far more important than the title, and so is the persons life more important than the title we give them.