Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby You're A Firework!

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag floating through the wind wanting to start again?"
Tonight I tribute this blog to the guys in my life, that have been there forever no matter how many times I've checked to make sure they were really related to me. For some reason, Fireworks by Katy Perry popped into my head and the people I think of first and foremost when I hear that song has to be my brothers thanks to the vacation this Christmas break. I am proud to a say though that unlike the vacation a few years ago, I liked the artist and song this time. When we went to Italy all the boys would ever sing would be their rendition of Love Story by Taylor Swift (UGH), however they would often times throw a unicorn in the mix.

So, I really don't know what all is going to go into this specific blog but I do know that it is about my brothers. And the truth is no matter how much we may disagree, especially when they start worshiping T. Swift, much against my demise, that I truly love my brothers. Though I am really good at yelling and arguing at them and crying because I am a woos compared to them, I love them to pieces. And even when times aren't so cheery, or when I am extremely grumpy I am proud to call them my brothers.

So here's to family and here's to more disagreements, fights, singing, laughing and gambling with sorry pieces! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Little Sister Belle!

    My favorite blog post by far. I'm pretty sure we should come up with a gambling game when we are all in Austin. Hanging out with you guys is more and more fun every year, even as we have less time to do so.

    And remember. Someday Romeo will save you, and you can ride a unicorn.
