Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Snow Week, it's something beautiful!

And once again the snow falls down, and it seems to make everything better. Now, even though I didn't spend that much time in the snow this week, it was good for it to come. For one thing I only went to a total of four classes this week and for another thing, I got to spend time with a few wonderful people. And for some reason it's always a refreshing for the spirit, mind and all that jazz!

So on Monday, without a doubt I had a rough start to the week thanks to a freak out dream and a freak out morning. However the day slowly started to calm down and the week without a doubt got better, because it snowed! SNOW, I don't know how God does it but every time he sends us snow he makes my soul less freaked out. And it's amazing. It gives me hope that eventually, everything will be okay in my mind and heart.

To make it even better this weekend will be grand, more time with friends, going to Midtown, Gilmore Girls, and I got to hear a recording of my little brother singing "Something Beautiful", and every time I hear him it makes me smile!

So happy snow week! Hope it's something beautiful!

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