Saturday, February 26, 2011

Evil Technology.

Today, I was watching and cheering on some amazing kids at NFL district and something happened... all of a sudden, my phone stopped responding to my touch on the keyboard. Now, this usually wouldn't be a big deal, however the time that techology starts to hate me is also the time that a lot of friends started to love me and text me. Needless to say, technology disallowed me to be a quality communicator tonight. All that to say, I have decided as I decided several years ago, that technology is just out to get me.

My first realization that technology despised my being near it occured when I had gotten a new cd-walkman. Now, this CD walkman was one of the coolest I had ever laid my eyes on! It was retro in appearance with a powder blue and cream dual tone seperated by chrome. Needless to say, I thought it was the coolest piece of work that man had ever made. Sadly though, my discovery of my enemy was made when out of the blue it stopped working. For the young Katie Carl, that was a very detrimental moment, because for me that was the day that the music died.

Now, I know that example was a little dated because CD's are sadly almost a thing of the past, however technology continues to hate me no matter what it is now. I have had an ipod just go bezerk on me and a few phones decide to commit suicide or become secluded from the rest of society and not respond.

So, this is my thought of it all. Technology hates me more than it should because it is part of a robot society that is planning to take over the world slowly causing random agony to poor innocent victims such as myself.

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