Saturday, February 12, 2011

Give me your eyes

So without a doubt tonight was pretty fantastic. I got to see Leah Anne Stark, whom I haven't gotten to see in a while. I got to have supper with my parents and Sammy. Got to make candy (peppermint taffy and peanut butter chocolate) with my fantastic chef of a brother Sam. Then on the drive home, I didn't freak out too bad. Got to listen to some fun ipod music. Then to make it even better, as soon as I am getting ready to turn on a road to head back to campus, a car pulls next to me and I almost freak, because when we both turn on the road they catch up to me and drive right by me for a while (extreme freak out moment for me) and then I realized, "Hey it's the wonderful Zeta girls!"

But what I couldn't help but notice through the drive is that with over 1000 songs on my ipod I managed to somehow shuffle it just so, to where I heard 3 or 4 Brandon Heath songs. Needless to say, it was kind of a wake up call. That first I need to "listen up" and secondly I need to be seeking to have God's eyes on a continuous basis not just when I feel like it. Because God didn't call us just to care about ourselves but to actually have his heart. To care about the poor, depressed, confused, broken hearted, upset, lonely,sick, imprisoned, homeless, etc., etc.,. God calls us to care for all, to love all. But how often, do we, do I decide to do it on my own time, or when I feel like it?

God is calling us to do more than just live a life. Calling us to do more than just show up to church. Calling us to do more than put money into an offering plate. But he is calling us to reach out, and be his hands and feet, to love one another as Christ loved.

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