One thing that has come to my attention a lot of times throughout my life is that I have different sets of friends. I am not saying that it is terrible to have a wide variety of people you hang out with but, when you kind of bring all the friends or a variety of the friends together, it can be super fun! Which makes me ask, why do I so often times separate my friends as if I can control if people like each other or not.
I wonder if I am the only person that does this, the whole separation of friends thing. I mean it's highly possible that most sane people integrate their friends so that they can get to know one another and so that on the rare occasions such as birthdays and whatnot there isn't such an awkward air in the room. Because if you think about it, there are reasons why we tend to like certain people so more than likely they have reasons that they like to hang with you as well, and if you think about it there should be no reason for them to have nothing in common.
And now, my eyes are getting droopy, and I have kind of lost my words and so I leave you with this startling truth, I failed my mini-goal this week on Tuesday, when I woke up freezing and tired.
Katie Belle I be loving this post!!!