Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello March!

Yet again, I have reached a new month! And I am more than ecstatic, I have come close sometimes to my resolution dying, but not due to apathy but do to OMG I haven't written my blog yet and it's 11:45! Though I have had some really crummy blogs, I am still writing, and sometimes just writing is all that matters.

Writing is something that I got into when I was younger, why? I have no clue. However, I have tried to save every scrap of paper that I thought I wrote something remarkable, even if it happened to be a really lame piece of poetry, or an essay in the third grade. I am not going to lie, I have gotten extremely distracted due to things I have written in the past. Whenever I would start cleaning my room, I might find a paper on the ground and go to put it in the suitcase that contains a lot of my writings, and BAM I am reading a story that I wrote on a flight to NYC for David's birthday.

Writing is also very therapeutic for me, several times in life when I would be fighting with a friend or something would happen that would make me not so happy or extremely ticked off and once again my pen would hit the paper and emotions would start flying and I would calm down.

Now that I let you in on why I write, I must admit a little secret, sometimes if I am upset about something I don't post it in a blog. And the reason for that... I am smarter than that to realize that what I say on the internet will be on the internet forever. Therefore, I am not going to be a fool and post things that may be regrettable in  few years, months weeks, days or even hours. Posting extreme feelings like that on the internet can be dangerous, because unlike my diary where I would write a boys name down with a heart, then the next week scratch that name out and replace it with a better cuter guy, I can't really just take a sharpee and take back what I posted. Because people still have the ability to read it. Crazy, I know.

However that is why I do what I do.

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