Sunday, March 6, 2011

Imaginary Jesus

This blog is more than likely going to appear more like a book review than anything else, because I am truly enjoying a book right now. 

I began reading this book the other day called, "Imaginary Jesus" by Matt Mikalatos, and I must admit I am really liking this book. It starts out with the main character in a vegan cafe just chilling with Jesus when a man walks in and starts talking with him asking about his Jesus. Come to find out, the guy chatting with him punches the Jesus in the face and let's Matt know, that his Jesus is not THE Jesus but an imaginary one. The book, though I am not finished, goes on to Matt trying to figure out who the real Jesus is. And I am not going to lie, just in the first few chapters the readers eyes opening up to questions about their own spiritual life.

One of the first questions that popped up for me was "How do you view Jesus?"  In the book, there are several imaginary Jesus' that arrive into the scene. One of my favorites being the "magic 8 ball Jesus", the Jesus that acts just like a magic 8 ball to anything and everything.

Now, I must admit I am not done with the book yet, however so far it has been really good. Something that popped out at me was also how sometimes we as Christians, don't associate with certain people at all because of their past or even present. The book demonstrates it with a prostitute, and how Matt and imaginary Jesus had wanted nothing to do with them. The truth of the matter though, is that as the church on Stephen F. Austin had on it's message board one day, "Jesus loves Prostitutes". It's a realization in the book, that we as people mostly forget, that Jesus died for all people not just people with 4.0 GPAs, clean criminal record, and have memorized all the books in the bible. Jesus died for and love all people but we too much of the time forget it.

If you happen to be bored or just have some spare time, I recommend reading this book. I know it might sound odd that I am recommending it pre-finishing however, so far it is really good.

If for some reason, when I finish the book, it is absolutely terrible I will make sure to post a new blog saying never trust my mid-reading book reviews ever again. 

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