Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Returning to Normalcy? I wouldn't mind it!

Sometimes, I just feel weird. Not weird as in the "Oh-Em-Gee, that kid's a freak" but the weird as in, the I can't describe it exactly but I know for sure it cannot be defined as normal. But then again, who even knows what normal is? Okay, so a bunch of the definitions provided by include the word average but how in the world are we supposed to know what average is in a world filled with billions of people? When it comes to feelings and emotions and thoughts and ideas, how are we as people supposed to know what is the social norm or status quo?

Needless to say, I still have just been feeling weird the past few weeks. Why? I have no honest clue, life just hasn't been as status quo for me as it has been in the past. I am not saying that life has completely and totally been terrible these last couple of weeks because there has been some amazing times with awesome friends. However I am going to admit that it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows either. Because for some reason or another at various points throughout these weeks my mind has began to wonder and think things that I really wish weren't available to be in my mind. Things that truly shouldn't matter in the bigger picture but when I start to dissect life it just looks so huge and so imminent that it bothers me. And I have no clue why it is so much easier to type this all up and post in on a blog/facebook than actually talking to people about just feeling weird lately.

Then again, what is normal? Because truthfully, I have no clue. And if anyone ever discovers what normal is, please let me know.

But because a lot of this blog talks about normality, I shall end the blog with a musical I want to see so bad,

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