Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Never Say Never

So I must admit I have some pretty radical people in my life. And some of those pretty rad, people have influenced a bit of my musical tastes throughout the year. For starters, I have to admit, I never would have listened intently to Fall Out Boy, if it were not for Whitney Turnacliff, and there is no doubt in the world I would even think about listening to LFO, and Justin Bieber if it were not for Amber Corley.

Part of me laughs, when I realize, as I am jamming out to "Never Say Never" for the umpteenth time that I had admitted at one time that I would never like Bieber, oh the irony! It's funny how being around different people can make tastes change. Now, I will admit sometimes the changes aren't necessarily for the better like when Julia Roberts character met that one lady in Pretty Woman, and then became a prostitute. (Wow that is not a good point) HOWEVER, sometimes people can just tweak your tastes and make you a melting pot of others opinions and with their likes, you can become a person that you wanna be.

Everyone rubs off on somebody, whether it be musical tastes, fashion tastes, brilliance, creativity, or whatever. People look to others for ideas and opinions and even guidance. When painting a bowl in someone else's art class people joked about stealing ideas for their work of art, but the truth is, society wouldn't be where it was without people sharing ideas, and other people growing off of them.

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