Monday, February 28, 2011


Oh the magic of the day, how things change and rearrange. I am thrilled for tonight! I am going to hang out with one of my wonderful buddies, and get in some wonderful and much needed time! As for this morning, I was extremely disgusted. why we needed to dissect rats today I have no clue. It was guh-ross! However, as soon as I was out of class it was a tad bit better.

I really don't know what else I need or want to add to this blog, but I know that I want to get it done soon so I can spend some fun time with Ms. Amber Corley tonight without freaking over a blog.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Almost A Breakdown

This weekend I went home, kind of. And I can honestly say, I really didn't want to leave partially because I really wasn't home for very long, and partially because my bed back home is really comfortable, and I don't want to admit it, but I've been a little homesick. Now, that's not the reason for the title all together, because I know I will go home very soon. 

The breakdown almost happened while I was driving back to HPU. First and foremost, I was leaving a little later than I usually do so the metroplex was a little dark. Then to make it a little bit worse, my GPS told me to go directions I hadn't usually gone before and sent me on a toll road, and that freaked me out because I had no coins in the front of my car. (luckily it was the electronic toll so I didn't have to pay, THANKS PARENTS!) So I was freaking out so when I saw a sign that said free exit, I took it even though I technically wasn't supposed to leave the turnpike yet. Then to make it even better, I was in the far left lane and needed to get in the right lane to get on to I30, an 18 wheeler had to get right beside me so I couldn't make it to the exit I needed. Then I had to drive around some a creepy looking area of Fort Worth to try and get on I30 and I was very close to the breakdown. A portion of me was thinking, "Just turn back, it's only going to get darker on the roads, and freak you out even more" then the other part of me was thinking, "if you go back then you just wasted quite a bit of gas, and then you have to wake up even earlier to get to your 8am class". Needless to say I continued driving, and did not turn back home. 

I wish I could say that was the end of my adventurous drive but it wasn't, however I didn't almost breakdown and cry again. I did however, pass by about a billion emt firetruck suburban type things in Weatherford, have my mind wandering to where I was going to somehow get pulled over and get a giant ticket (even though people were passing me), and then what freaked me out most of all: I ran over roadkill! I am grateful that it was already roadkill, however it freaked me out, because I was looking at the car to my right that was turning and needed to get new lights (The back blinker was spazzing out) and all of a sudden I see the lump of dead animal in my lane. 

Anyways, I almost had a minor breakdown, however I am good. I am back in my dorm safe and sound, and have to disect Roscoe the Rat tomorrow.... (not looking forward to that at all)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Evil Technology.

Today, I was watching and cheering on some amazing kids at NFL district and something happened... all of a sudden, my phone stopped responding to my touch on the keyboard. Now, this usually wouldn't be a big deal, however the time that techology starts to hate me is also the time that a lot of friends started to love me and text me. Needless to say, technology disallowed me to be a quality communicator tonight. All that to say, I have decided as I decided several years ago, that technology is just out to get me.

My first realization that technology despised my being near it occured when I had gotten a new cd-walkman. Now, this CD walkman was one of the coolest I had ever laid my eyes on! It was retro in appearance with a powder blue and cream dual tone seperated by chrome. Needless to say, I thought it was the coolest piece of work that man had ever made. Sadly though, my discovery of my enemy was made when out of the blue it stopped working. For the young Katie Carl, that was a very detrimental moment, because for me that was the day that the music died.

Now, I know that example was a little dated because CD's are sadly almost a thing of the past, however technology continues to hate me no matter what it is now. I have had an ipod just go bezerk on me and a few phones decide to commit suicide or become secluded from the rest of society and not respond.

So, this is my thought of it all. Technology hates me more than it should because it is part of a robot society that is planning to take over the world slowly causing random agony to poor innocent victims such as myself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ohana means family and family means....

Family- best defined two different ways. The first way, being those related to you, by blood or by marriage ( the mandatory family so to say) and the second way to be defined those people that enter into your life and mean a lot to you even if you have never been or never will be actually related. Needless to say, today was definitely an awesome family day for me. Right at this very moment I am at Sam's apartment, hanging/painting/writing this blog, and I can't help but think how lucky I am to have my family. And I don't realize and admit it as much as I should, but in the terms of "forced" family, I am extremely blessed. Because even though they may at times get on my nerves, I know that they are my family and that no matter what may come our way, we will always have each other.

I also got to spend time with people that I would consider my other family, or rather the people that I care about a lot. Of course, I have my HPU friends that I love and adore, but I also got to see my speech and debate friends on a halfway surprise visit to NFL district. after spending 4 years being apart of that team, I can't help but adore the people apart of that team as well, past or present. So when I got to see them I was excited to say the least. However, to me, my speech and debate family isn't just Princeton but several other schools as well. I got to see my lovely Aubrians and the Richardson clan as well as a few coaches that always put a smile on my face whenever I happen to see them.

I am blessed beyond what I can even imagine, with a fantastic official and unofficial family, I must say I have more than I deserve. I love them all, and cannot wait until I get to see mi padres tomorrow!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Reason

Most importantly the reason behind my actions in quiting the pledging process had nothing to do with people in the organization. But rather it had to do with myself, and people who weren't pledging. The biggest reason had to be the stress, for me stress comes in different forms and one of the most important thing that had to be recognized was that it was only the second week, and that if I was already stressed and there were several weeks left it made no sense to just become more stressed for the remainder of the  process.

A second important reason that I realized I had to quit was time was being slowly taken away from me, leaving little to no time with other friends not pledging. Relationships haven't ever been my strong suit so when realizing that those that I care about have been and would continue to be placed on the back burner wasn't what needed to be happening.

A final real important reason about me quiting was I never really asked God or considered if I really needed to be in a sorority. I just rushed into pledging without even figuring out if that is what I needed to be doing with my life at this moment.

And to any people that are members of the organization I was pledging, I am sorry that I did waste your time. But it's not what I needed to be doing, and I should have realized that sooner, and before I started the pledging process.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So over the course of time, I always think that it is comical that lessons we learn when we are young always come back time and time again. I have heard the saying "history repeats itself" but I can never help but stand back and chuckle when I realize that it has happened. One of the lessons that is playing out quite wonderfully is that "you should never judge a book by it's cover".

No matter what people may appear to be like, you only are seeing the surface of who they really are. It's not until you spend more time with them and actually crack the book open until you realize who they really are. There are always different stories out there too, different genres such as: Humor, Suspense, Horror, Drama, Trashy Novels, and even the books that are written but no one ever wants to continue reading.

But sometimes, just like reading real books, no matter if the book was good or if it was just flat out terrible, all that matters is, you read it. And that's life sometimes, even if you don't like the end result of who a person, or group or school or team may be, all that matters is you checked it out and read into it at least a little to decide if you liked it.

So yes, I looked into an organization because it looked fantastic on the outside and because there were several amazing people in it. However, I didn't like what it took to get into it. I didn't like the idea of being stressed at  7 in the morning freaking out about what is on the agenda for the day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


UGH!!!! Sometimes I honestly wish things weren't hard. Is that to much to ask for? I mean truthfully, I wish things were as easy as they once were. I wish that I didn't have to stress over stupid things that don't really! I really wish that it was simple, life. I really would not mind one bit.

Besides that I had to make sure that I finished my blog, and my (revised) homework that was due tonight at midnight, thank goodness I got it all done. Even if this blog isn't genius and I am rambling and I am tired.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Musical Tastes

Music! I love a good bit of music a lot of times in my life, I guess that's why I tend to post music on the end of blogs and why I happen to have yet another blog about music! So I love music, and it's one of my favorite things! There is just something about music that turns frowns upside down and makes good days grrrreat!

One thing that I do love about music, is that there are so many different perspectives. And personally even though I disagree with a bit of people when it comes to musical tastes it's always intriguing to see what people like and dislike. I love it when artists actually have a musical ability to sing, and I also love to listen to Ke$ha and just dance and scream and sing at the top of my lungs! LOVE IT!

I do think that music can tell a little bit about who you are, like personally, I think if you are in love with some cool artist it automatically means you are a cool person. Gogol Bordello, has made some people so much cooler, even though I never thought that was possible. 

I love music. Music, is beautiful, and happy and sad and wonderful!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love, que?

So, today was a crazy wonderful amazing day to say the very least. I did so much in such a fairly small period of time, yet every second was amazing! I got to go to church at midtown and got to see some people whom I love to see their faces, and one of the sponsors for Zeta, which was an added bonus. I got to talk to Jenny Goff, always a blessing, plus I got to sit by her during church. After that I went and had lunch with some remarkable friends. Followed my the H-word. Yes, homework. I got a lot of it done to, and I must say, I am pretty pumped about what the finished result will be when I have to turn it in for my final!!! ( I have never been so pumped about a ten page essay before, weird.) Then I got to help my loverly suitemate take a thousand tons of stuff into her room so she could be back for the rest of these two weeks before break. And then I got some quality Zeta time, always so much fun with those amazing individuals.

But one of the things that I can't get out of my mind is something that one of my pledge sisters stated just a few minutes/half hour ago. When we were going over some readings in the bible, yeah, bible, we were reading the love passages, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, the one that describes what love really is. Shelby pointed out how depressing that passage truly is, because is shows the lack of love in the world.Because no matter what we would like, very rarely do we find that "love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts and always preserves."   But "where is the love"? We fail, even as Christians to be what God was and is and forever will be, love.

And I don't honestly know, when the subtle shift began, it probably was before my time, however love has become so diluted from what it once was, from what God called it to be. I want to know why, and honestly, I think a good majority of it comes from when we forget, that we are called to be God's hands and feet, that we are called to love. Sadly too often we look to God like Santa, and only call on him when we want to, and fail to remember that he requires some things out of our life as well.

I love you, even though, I might not always show it. Though I know I need to show it like crazy, I do love you but I am sorry to admit that too much of the time, I am too perfect of human, meaning I make crazy big mistakes in life, and really like to focus more on me than any one else.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Those People.

So, earlier this week I am not going to lie, I got fairly angry at one of the girls that goes to my school, because I was attempting to enter into the dorm with a few pieces of plywood, and she saw me and didn't even help. But, I started to wonder, if it was just me thinking that because there is a part of me that doesn't particularly get cheery when she is around. And it makes me think, if some people make me feel that way, than I have got to be doing the same thing to some other people.

And on that same note of how I view other people, I can't help but feel like I am one of those people, that I view as annoying. I know that this is kind of a senseless matter, but at the same time it does make me ponder. Because there has got to be someone out there that views me in the negative ways that I view other people. I feel bad about it, knowing that I don't like some people for certain ways. And it makes my mind go around and around the ideas that if I don't like people that I have the same possibility of being unliked as well.

So it comes to the ideaology once again that people are people and that when we start thinking that we really just find someone irritating, then we should realize that we probably do the same exact thing to someone else. And with that notion that we should ultimately be sympathetic and give them a chance.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Blog of the Day!

So I really have no clue what I want to post today on this marvelous blog. However I do know that I want to post something now so that I can get some fantastic sleep tonight before spending time with some Zeta members followed by the band banquet. I am not going to lie, I am glad this week is over but am not sure how fast I want the following week to come, or the next four weeks after that. 

One thing that I am grateful about this pledging process that I never thought would happen, is learning more about people that I am pledging with and having some fun times with them. 

I really have no clue on what I am wanting to write right now so I am kinda rambling. Helping my friend write her paper that was due yesterday, literally, all the while jamming to the Ke$ha and thinking man, I want to go to bed tonight!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning this week!

So, if you don't know this Tuesday, I started pledging to join the sorority Zeta Zeta Zeta. And oh my goodness, it's just the first week, and I have already been through a bunch of feelings. Confused partially if I am doing the right thing by attempting to join a sorority, confused by not knowing if an action I do will be getting in trouble minor or major. Most importantly, I have been having a blast, going and doing things that can only be spoken of to very certain people (AKA Zeta members.) Experienced tiredness, just because I don't like to stay up late and running around and have my mind still going without stop.

I am still hesitant and anxious about what I am stepping foot into these next six weeks, but I don't want to quit the process, because I don't want to place that on my list of regrets. Even with the little time I have spent with the members of Zeta, I know that they are awesome people, even if I forget some things I am supposed to do and what not. But I can't help but wonder what's next. It's always a mystery and something new every time I see a member but it's exciting nonetheless.

Another thing that I learned from the lovely pledging process is that I am fairly creative. I was quite impressed with some of the ending results of how far my creativity can go. And sometimes, I look at my creations and go, hmm... that's not a great dinosaur at all! Proudly I can draw a few things pretty good most of the time anyways, Robots, Dinosaurs, and Penguins! I am never the best draw-er, but I always make my best attempt, and attempt I try!

Another great thing I learned is naptimes, are still in, especially when I am running on very low fuel. That's why today after finishing my homework and before going to Math class, I happened to just turn off the light, turn on the alarm clock and sleep, it was beautiful. Sleep is a wonderful thing that God gave us and I don't regret him allowing us to realize the importance of rest.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Open Up

So tonight, I did something that I never thought I could do. Did it with tears streaming down my face however I did it. I told people what all has been happening in my life lately out loud. Not just typing or texting but with words and volume. I told them all that has been happening and more, how I have felt like the scum bag on the earth and how God has held my hand through it all, and picked me up and held me. God is amazing. And the important thing to realize is that no matter what, God always cares.

Opening up is something we neglect as people a lot. Opening up can do a lot of things, but one of the reasons we often don't do that is because we become vulnerable to any and everything. And we often think that because we are telling people things that have hurt us in the past, or bring up crazy emotions in the present, that if we tell people that somehow it will only cause more pain for us. A pain that we can't handle.

But the beauty of it all, is the telling of our past pain, won't bring back the pain forever, and even more beautiful is that when we actually open up and share with people the actuality of the matter and the facts that we have survived the pain with God. The story because even more beautiful, because the truth of the matter is God is a loving God, and cares for our pain whether big or small, yes we may endure pain but sometimes because we go through certain things, we can help others.

God is love, and he loves each and everyone of us. God cares for our problems whether big or small. God is amazing and will be with us past, present and future.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And I Will Always Love You

Whether you prefer Dolly Parton or Whitney Houston or The Jessica Faye Davis, "I will always love you" is a song that is wonderful!!! And the song can bring out some crazy wonderful memories and some powerful emotions.

I am not going to lie, it reminded me of a certain someone. However, I am not going to let it get me down in the dumps because I loved him. But truthfully, my heart is not out of love. But I am never going to forget the feelings that I had for him. However, I will always love but, I am still finding myself open to love and to be loved.

Monday, February 14, 2011

V-Day? Not D-Day? I'll take that.

God is absolutely amazing! God is love! God is all we need and more than all we need! If you read yesterdays blog or I told you yesterday, you know that I was terrified of today. Terrified that Niagara Falls would fail to compare to the waterworks gushing out from my tear ducts. However, as I might have mentioned, God is wonderful! God is spectacular and loves us so much and he cares about us too, which is just fantastic!

So just to fill in a few blanks, that y'all didn't get to experience with me today. I know several people were praying, I was praying, and God was listening and acting! Out of God's mercy, that he let me have I opened up a random passage and it was what I needed. Ecclesiastes 9:1-12ish. And I am not going to lie, it was kinda God saying, don't you worry about a thing, that I can live life, that bad stuff happens, but that I shouldn't let that ruin me. Because God is Lord of all, God is the one supreme. God is love. And as if God wasn't just amazing in the real world, but the cyber world as well, one of my friends posted Hosea 2:14-23 as a status on facebook so of course me being well, me had to check it out. And once again, God was telling me, that all will be well, if I continue to cling to him. 

God is wonderful! He took today, from a day that I was not looking forward to, to a wonderful day full of love, and greatness, and God.

Valentines Day is not a day just full of all that lovey dovey junk, but full of true love. God's love is wonderful and real and available.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So in case you have been living under a rock or something the past couple of millenniums you know that tomorrow is the day where Halmark makes a gigantic profit, or something close to that affect. If for some reason you are still lost, tomorrow is Valentines Day. A day that is both loved and revered by people all across the world.

Personally, I have been fearing this Valentines Day like no other the past couple of months, because I know I am not going to get to spend it with a person that I have romantic interest in. And I must admit, I am absolutely terrified, of all the emotions that are going to be flooding back to me tomorrow. I had a kind of freak out moment in church this morning with the mere realization that tomorrow is V-Day. I am terrified to think that in the morning when I rise out of bed waves a tears and what not will start flowing and I won't be able to stop it.  Yet, at the same time, God is still here, and is watching my back.

So I must admit, the last two Valentines Days in my life weren't bad, I ended up somehow getting to spend it with guys that I liked, as either friends or a little more than friends (not to their knowledge though). But today during church when my mind was running around in little freak out circles, I couldn't help but realize, that this could be the first Valentines Day, where I just love God. Because how often do we as people start looking for "the one' or "our soul mate" and then when we think we find them, we put God on the back burner? I know I am guilty of this, and I know that I can't be the only one with this flaw.

For February 14th, 2011, I am not going to lie, I am not really looking forward to it, and am terrified. However I am also kind of excited to realize that God is more important than guys on the day where most girls forget that. So if you happen to think of either thing I mentioned in this paragraph, tomorrow act on it, whether praying for me not to have a break down mental moments, or to realize that without God there is no love, no Valentines Day, and no grace.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Give me your eyes

So without a doubt tonight was pretty fantastic. I got to see Leah Anne Stark, whom I haven't gotten to see in a while. I got to have supper with my parents and Sammy. Got to make candy (peppermint taffy and peanut butter chocolate) with my fantastic chef of a brother Sam. Then on the drive home, I didn't freak out too bad. Got to listen to some fun ipod music. Then to make it even better, as soon as I am getting ready to turn on a road to head back to campus, a car pulls next to me and I almost freak, because when we both turn on the road they catch up to me and drive right by me for a while (extreme freak out moment for me) and then I realized, "Hey it's the wonderful Zeta girls!"

But what I couldn't help but notice through the drive is that with over 1000 songs on my ipod I managed to somehow shuffle it just so, to where I heard 3 or 4 Brandon Heath songs. Needless to say, it was kind of a wake up call. That first I need to "listen up" and secondly I need to be seeking to have God's eyes on a continuous basis not just when I feel like it. Because God didn't call us just to care about ourselves but to actually have his heart. To care about the poor, depressed, confused, broken hearted, upset, lonely,sick, imprisoned, homeless, etc., etc.,. God calls us to care for all, to love all. But how often, do we, do I decide to do it on my own time, or when I feel like it?

God is calling us to do more than just live a life. Calling us to do more than just show up to church. Calling us to do more than put money into an offering plate. But he is calling us to reach out, and be his hands and feet, to love one another as Christ loved.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I Am Here

Preface: So, I was bored and wrote a little bit of lyrics, hope you don't mind. Haha, it's my blog, I get to do what I want. The only down side to the lyrics is I tried to record them but when I recorded them I forgot how the end of the chorus would sound... so yeah... this is what I wrote...

Sing to me a melody, hidden in your heart.
Let me know how you truly feel, don't be afraid to show your scars.
I am here, I am here.

Don't you dare worry, about the crazy thing called life.
All that will do is only bring you strife.
So don't you worry. Don't you worry.

Because I am here for you,
in all the good and when your blue,
I am here for you
Even when it sounds too good to be true.
I am here for you.

When the day gets longer, and your strength to fade.
Hold on a little tighter, and try not to be afraid.
Hold on, Hold on.

Because I am here for you,
in all the good and when your blue,
I am here for you
Even when it sounds too good to be true.
I am here for you.

I am here for you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just one of those hours...

How do I even begin to write down in words all that has been going through my head the past couple of hours or so. It's just crazy all the random thoughts that go through my mind. What's not so crazy though is when I know several of the thoughts aren't doing me any bit of good emotionally, mentally and what not. Why does my mind continue to wander in areas that I know it doesn't need to wander? 

How come life continually tries to beat me down when it shouldn't be? I really have no clue what the deal is, and I am terrified to think that these thoughts are going to flood back again and again just to tear me down. And even then, I am terrified to think that all thoughts are only going to come at the same specific time. Times of worship shouldn't be times of fret and worry and just completely shut down because my mind is going everywhere that it shouldn't. 

I am not strong, I know that. I can't handle a whole lot of things, I definitely know that. But what I don't really know is how I can just have this all stop. Because I know what I need to do, should do, but for some reason the emotions arise every time that I should be doing what I know I need to be doing and it just gets kind of frustrating. And I guess I just really don't know. However I do know this, UGH. And I do know that this is just one of these times where I am just down in the dumps, and that eventually I will be out of it again, like I have before. It's just not so cheery at this particular hour, or so, but soon it will be again, or it better be.   :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Short blog, long adventurous day

Here I am once again posting a blog via cell phone! Where am I? Skillets (The closest thing to a Ihop in the area) surrounded by wonderful ladies of tri-zeta! Now I must admit some awesome moments have happened at this place! Whether spending time with Amber Corley and other peers or coming here with familia after a musical performance.

This upcoming few weeks will be most likely very hectic. However I am excited and thrilled to do so!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Educate me!

When I grow up I want to be an elementary school teacher, and without a doubt there is a lot of extra learning involved that I wasn't expecting! For instance, never in a billion years would I expect that in order to teach children math, you must be able to work with square roots like a pro. Needless to say, just because a class in college is associated with Elementary Education, doesn't mean that it will be elementary leveled. Because believe me, some of the things that end up on my homework assignments for math would never be in a classroom for elementary students. When that day comes, where 3rd graders have to solve problems with square roots, I will surely cry like a baby in a corner in my classroom. 

The major of elementary education is not something to be taken lightly. Because the funny thing is, the work load isn't as simple for people to become educators as it was when we were being educated for the level. One good thing about that, is that the people of the United States of America, can be well assured that the future teachers in their fair land will be prepared to teach 1st graders how to solve quadratic equations. Okay so hopefully we won't have to be teaching really really hard math (in my mind) to 7 year olds. However the important thing is, if need be, we know how to do it!  

So now, to tie in my title to every little thing I have been ranting about, I must admit I am a little lacking in a bit of the math skills that I need for this class and it's harder than I thought it was going to be. And I must also admit that it's pretty difficult in my Life Science class too! So please teachers, educate me! Please let me know what I need to know God, please let things sink in!

Love, Katie Belle Carl

Monday, February 7, 2011

Red Light!

Sitting upstairs in Maybee Center around several friends, (okay so four of them) doing homework, (well maybe two people are) and typing up this blog ( I AM DOING THAT!!! :D )! That is what my evening has consisted of, since like 9. So for a whole 40 or so minutes I have been up here. But it's all good. Because every once in a while people need a space to just be. Yeah, to be. So much of the time people are rushing to do this and that, and to go to class to the dorms to practice to shop to whatever. And so little through out our lives do we actually  stop.

I am not going to lie... I was thinking of ending my blog right there as a point but then decided that, that wasn't good enough. Because the truth is, people so much of the time forget how to take time for themselves to breathe, smile, laugh, and even sometimes in this crazy world of ours, sleep. So now as I sit atop of the Maybee Center thinking of all I did today (including Laundry and hanging at the Corley home, oh and School) I just have to smile. And smile again. Because today was a good day.

Stop, collaborate and LISTEN.... so stop.     :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Crazy Beautiful Life

Through thick and thin, good times and bad, I must admit my life is almost a Ke$ha song. Take away the explicative, provocative and hard core partying stuff and BAM my life, right there!  But at the same time, "Life's what you make it so let's make it rock!" Once again I find myself looking at music and thinking hey, this totally applies to my life! Sometimes, artists even when they are Hannah Montana, have lyrics that make me say WHOOT my life right there!

But as for now, I must admit I am living Crazy Beautiful Life. At least the title. Because truly I have a wonderful life! I have awesome friends, a fantastic family and I am absolutely loving life! I am blessed beyond what I deserve, and am grateful for the life I have. I have fun, but not the kind of fun that I can't remember the next day or regret the next morning. I have fun that I can look back on and smile.

And ultimately when my life starts to look a little less than beautiful, I think of another song later, thank you Disney channel for giving me Hannah Montana and allowing me to realize that life is what I make of it, I choose to look on life with a smile or a frown. And even if my prediction on the day may end up being far off, I usually can start the day off right if I just prepare myself. I love life. It's wonderful!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I am excited! I know this might not seem very unusual or very rare to some people but I can say that I am legitimately excited for the first time in a while. Though I won't go into detail about all the reasons I am excited just know it's all good. I am excited for being able to live life a little more without hearing a love song on the radio, seeing valentines cards and all of a sudden start to feel down and disappointed and what not. I am excited for living again, and I am excited for getting to experience the life that I need and should live!

I must admit that I look forward to this week, and I know that there may be some ups and downs that come along but my seat belt is securely fastened and I am ready for the ride!

I am not afraid, of what may come my way. Even though I am not fully prepared I am willing to strap on my boots and and begin my journey. Ready, set Go forth and live as if I have never lived before!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Snow Week, it's something beautiful!

And once again the snow falls down, and it seems to make everything better. Now, even though I didn't spend that much time in the snow this week, it was good for it to come. For one thing I only went to a total of four classes this week and for another thing, I got to spend time with a few wonderful people. And for some reason it's always a refreshing for the spirit, mind and all that jazz!

So on Monday, without a doubt I had a rough start to the week thanks to a freak out dream and a freak out morning. However the day slowly started to calm down and the week without a doubt got better, because it snowed! SNOW, I don't know how God does it but every time he sends us snow he makes my soul less freaked out. And it's amazing. It gives me hope that eventually, everything will be okay in my mind and heart.

To make it even better this weekend will be grand, more time with friends, going to Midtown, Gilmore Girls, and I got to hear a recording of my little brother singing "Something Beautiful", and every time I hear him it makes me smile!

So happy snow week! Hope it's something beautiful!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So tonight I was invited from a couple of fantastic ladies to come and join them in Veda lobby to merely eat sweets, and play games. Needless to say, it was such a blast! However it leads me to question, "Is this something I want to be apart of my college life?" Now don't get me wrong I haven't been on the Greek band wagon very long. But I have known for a while that if I were to join a sorority it would be one that wouldn't be a stereotypical sorority. One where the ladies aren't afraid to be unique, different and themselves. That was a big part of what allowed Zeta to remain in my line of vision, because they don't fit stereotypes, they aren't afraid to be themselves, to have fun, to live and love.

I honestly don't know what will happen on the night of the grand ole Rush, but I do know for sure, that I am taking at least a step or two closer to the front doors of the Zeta life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby You're A Firework!

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag floating through the wind wanting to start again?"
Tonight I tribute this blog to the guys in my life, that have been there forever no matter how many times I've checked to make sure they were really related to me. For some reason, Fireworks by Katy Perry popped into my head and the people I think of first and foremost when I hear that song has to be my brothers thanks to the vacation this Christmas break. I am proud to a say though that unlike the vacation a few years ago, I liked the artist and song this time. When we went to Italy all the boys would ever sing would be their rendition of Love Story by Taylor Swift (UGH), however they would often times throw a unicorn in the mix.

So, I really don't know what all is going to go into this specific blog but I do know that it is about my brothers. And the truth is no matter how much we may disagree, especially when they start worshiping T. Swift, much against my demise, that I truly love my brothers. Though I am really good at yelling and arguing at them and crying because I am a woos compared to them, I love them to pieces. And even when times aren't so cheery, or when I am extremely grumpy I am proud to call them my brothers.

So here's to family and here's to more disagreements, fights, singing, laughing and gambling with sorry pieces! Love you guys!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Milestone 1

Going hand in hand with writing this blog becomes milestones. And today is the very first milestone for this blog.... I have officially finished blogging for a complete month! A whole entire month, every single day, from start to finish and I am proud of it too! So there might have been some blogs noteworthy and other blogs on the brink of a failing grade from a junior high teacher but still, writing every single stinking day for a whole month is crazy!

The thing about blogging is it's pretty much my own diary being published for all to see. So looking back on blogs just a month ago can truly be kind of cool. It's amazing to be able to say, hey at the start of the New Year I was optimistic for whatever was going to come my way. And even the days such as the day I posted a blog about speech and debate, it's kinda funny to see the days that I was really not wanting to blog, whether apathy, not wanting to disclose information or whatnot. Having the capability to look back on what I said is actually intriguing, a little sad, a little happy but nonetheless interesting.

So here goes for a second month, followed, by a third, followed by a fourth, etc., etc., etc.