Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Day's Soundtrack

So in case you didn't know, I have a fantastic boyfriend. I am truly blessed that he is in my life, because he is one of the greatest men I have the privilege of knowing. Now that I gave you that sweet and short introduction to the protagonist to the story I shall move on.  :)

Last night right before falling asleep I get this message saying that he was going to send me a link for me to open in the morning and that I had to open it in the morning. Not going to lie, I was a bit afraid, he finds some pretty ridiculous videos sometimes and I was anxious at what would await me at 8:30 am. So as soon as I awoke this morning I went to the link and pressed play, to find a fantastic way to start the day. 

Yeah, I would say I was super ecstatic this morning having my phone seranade me as I was getting around. But the excitement didn't stop there. No, there were also links for noon and 3pm. 

As soon as my 11am class was finished I was quick to click the link and click the play button to hear a fantastic song that truly speaks to me, sadly.

Now I did admit I was really getting anxious! And honestly might have had a countdown to 3 o'clock. However around 3 I was in a car on my way to Abilene with some fantastic people and much to my demise, I lost all service of every type with the clock struck 3pm. So on and off again, youtube would work, and by 3:05 the song appeared on the screen! Sadly enough though, the video itself didn't load until 3:16. My countdown didn't work 100% in the end apparently. :) However at 3:16 I got to hear a fantastic song that's music video happens to introduce my second favorite vehicle.

Even though it may have took me a little longer to hear this song, it definitely put a smile on my face. 

I have said it before and I will more than likely continue to say it, there is just something powerful about music. It makes a person who they are and it can change a person to be stronger, more empathetic, what have you. And sometimees music can just wake up that part of you that has been asleep for far too long. Music is powerful, and music is wonderful. And I was lucky enough to have a personalized soundtrack for my day. 

Enjoy the music of life. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Public Diary

So I am more than certain that the only person that reads this blog any more is me and I am perfectly fine with that. It has almost become like my own public diary, I write what's on my mind or heart and put it on display for all to see and the only eyes that view it are mine. One of the things that does really crack me up though are the two blog entries previous to this one. Both are about love, and they both fully reflect who I am. 
The truth of the matter is, I think I am falling, rather I know I am falling and I don't want to get back up. I really do like this kid, and I really do. And I know that it's simple to say that I like this boy because we technically are still in the beginning of the relationship but the truth of the matter is, if I had to redo this summer, and this semester I wouldn't. 
On August 4th, 2012 I ended something marvelous and got to begin something fantastic. Thankful for BCBA, thankful even for the rules about Summer Staffers not being able to date, but more importantly thankful that I got to be introduced to one of the most incredible men I have ever met.